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![]() The Girlzx
She's a January Baby. Going through life the best she can. Little anecdotes of life as she takes another breath for another day. Events - AFA'14 - Christmas Cosfest' 14 - J-Obsession 2015 - Charaexpo 2015 - Cosfest 2015 - EOY 2015 - STGCC 2015 - Sports Fest 2015 - Gamestart 2015 - Anime Festival Asia 2015 - Christmas Cosfest 2015 - J-Obsession 2016 - Doujima 2016 - Charaexpo 2016 - Cosfest 2016 - STGCC 2016 - Sports Fest 2016 - GameStart 2016 - Costime! Aeon Mall, Johor - Idolicious 2016 - Anime Festival Asia 2016 - EOY 2016 - Tampines Youth Fest 2016 - Comic Fiesta 2016 - Cosfest 2017 - Doujima 2017 - PowerUp 2017 - Yuri On Ice-only event 2017 - STGCC 2017 - Charaexpo 2017 - GameStart 2017 - Idolicious 2017 - AFA 2017 She Loves Her "ABoyFriends"! ~Inuyasha~ ~Yugioh(cute Yugi & HanSome Yugi)~ ~Yuu Kanda~D.Gray-Man ~Uchiha Itachi~Naruto ~Gaara of the sand~Naruto ~Neji~Naruto ~Tieria Erde~Gundam00 ~Casshern~CasshernSINS ~Cloud~FinalFantasy7 ~Noctis Lucis Calum~FinalFantasy15 ~Lelouch~CodeGreass ~Shun~Bakugan ~Zuko~Avatar the last airbender ~Yzak Joule~GundamSeed ~Zeheart~Gundam AGE ~Levi Ackerman~Attack On Titan ~KagamiTaiga~Kuroko No Basuke ~Frau~07-Ghost ~HaradaSanosuke~Hakuoki But to be honest I'd rather see my boys being together. :D She Has Her BIASES ♥Tokio Hotel Bill Kaulitz . Tom Kaulitz . Gustav Schafer . Georg Listing ♥The WANTED Tom Parker . Max George . Siva Kaneswaran . Jay McGuiness . Nathan Sykes♥ ♥ One Direction Louis Tomlinson♥ . Zayn Malik . Liam Payne . Niall Horan . Harry Styles ♥District 3 Dan Ferrari-Lane . Michael Parsons♥ . Greg West ♥Palaye Royale Sebestian♥ . Remington . Emerson ♥JEdward ♥Ed Sheeran ♥SHINee Lee JinKi . Kim JongHyun♥ . Choi MinHo . Kim KiBum . Lee TaeMin ♥B.A.P. Bang YongGuk . Kim HimChan♥ . Jung DaeHyun . Yoo YoungJae . Moon JongUp♥ . Choi JunHong ZELO ♥NU'EST Aron Kwak . Kim JongHyun JR . Kang DongHo BaekHo♥ . Hwang MinHyun . Choi MinKi Ren ♥B1A4 Jung Jinyoung . Shin Dongwoo CNU . Lee Junghwan Sandeul . Cha Sunwoo Baro . Gong ChanSik ♥ ♥SEVENTEEN Choi SeungCheol . Jang DoYoon . Yoon Junghan . Hong Jisoo . Wen JunHui . Kwon SoonYoung . Jeon WonWoo . Lee JiHoon . Yao MingMing . Lee SeokMin . Kim MinGyu . Boo SeungKwan . Chwe Hansol . Lee Chan . Shin DongJin . Samuel . ♥5SecondsOfSummer Ashton Irwin . Michael Clifford . Calum Hood . Luke Hemmings ♥TheVamps ♥Boyce Avenue ♥The Script
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January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 February 2010 March 2010 June 2010 July 2010 September 2010 November 2010 December 2010 November 2011 February 2012 April 2013 December 2013 March 2015 April 2015 May 2015 August 2015 September 2015 October 2015 November 2015 December 2015 May 2016 August 2016 October 2016 March 2017 October 2017 November 2017
Friday, May 22, 2009
1. Real name: Nur Hasyimah =)
2. Nickname: Syimah, Hasyi(Lionny!! hehe), Mahmah(Xinyi!!!), Girlz_x 3. Star sign: Capricorn? Aquarius? (I'm in the middle!!) 4. Male or female: Female 5. Primary School: East View Primary School <3 6. Secondary School: Ngee Ann Secondary School :P 7. JC/Poly: hmm..? 8. Hair color: Black ! 9. Long or short: Hmm.. Moderate ahhah, quite long actually 10. Loud or Quiet: Loud with welll known friends[DASAME, 6^C1!!] Quiet when with ppl i dunno that much.. 11. Sweats or Jeans: Jeans!! 12. Phone or Camera: Phone!!(phone oso got camera what..) 13. Health freak: Freak??? No lah.. Healthy. =) 14. Drink or Smoke?: Hmm... Let's see.. 15. Do you have a crush on someone?: Do I? 16. Eat or Drink: Yah or else cannot survive!! 17. Piercings: Never 18. Tattoos: No. HAVE YOU EVER?: 19. Been in an airplane: twice! From Singapore to Perth and back again! (wee~! 25-30Nov2007) 20. Sleepwalked or Sleeptalked?: None? How to know, I asleep mahh.. 21. Been in a car accident: YES.. hari raya 07 :( 22. Been in a fist fight: NEVER. FIRSTS: 23. First piercing: NEVER 24. First best friend: Ahh... Dewi?(long time no see.) Wulandari Sukma!! JoanneLow!(hah all kindergarten one..) 25. First award: uhh... soo long ago cannot remember.. 26. First crush: Uhh.... have I? 28. First vacation: Uhh.... East shore Hospital =X LASTS: 29. Last person you talked to: My Father!! hehe 30. Last person you texted: Suhaila- 1R4 31. Last person(s) you watched a movie with: My eldest sister and her boyfriend... 32. Last food you ate: Red Bean Pao! Uh i now hungry... 33. Last movie you watched: 17 Again (Zac Efron<3 XD) 34. Last song you listened to: uh.. i hear many songs liao... uhh... Th song in my head now --> Beautiful soul by Jesse maccartney 35. Last thing you bought: Apple Tea!! hehe 36. Last person you hugged: I forgot.. When was the last time i hugged anybody? HAA!! Nazlah! FAVOURITES: 37. Food: Uhh... i eat eat so i duno what i like.. Allyah!! I like Chicken!!!! wahh... Ayam Goreng!! hehe 38. Drinks: Ice Lemon tea! I prefer non-gassy drink.. 39. Clothing: Changes in time.. Long shirt and jeans! 40. Books: Fantasy/Adventure, Personal Recount.. as long as Fiction! hmm.. Eragon, Eldest & Brisingr? Twilight saga? The Golden Compass, Subtle Knife, Amber Spyglass? The lord of the Rings? hmm.. a lot ah.. 41. Song: uh... Jesse Maccartney - How do You Sleep, SouljaBoy - Kiss me thru the phone.... For now, this moment. Hehe have a Lot actually! 42. Flower: Roses? Daisy?? 43. Colors: Baby Pink and Blue, White, black... yeapps. 44. Movies: Nice nice movie i like! hehe, Involves action. Yeay! 45. Phrase: Fuck you asshole.. Eh, I don't want to fuck you. lol 46. Subjects: NOO I hate 'em alll! IN 2008, I 47. Kissed in the snow - No, Single lady! 48. Celebrated halloween - No 49. Had your heart broken - No 50. Went over the minutes on your cell phone - Yes 51. Someone questioned your sexual orientation - yesh the doctor 52. Came out of the closet - Uh? For what go inside the closet? 53. Gotten pregnant - NO. I dont fuck 54. Had an abortion - NO. I dont fuck 55. Done something you've regretted - Erm.. oh YESH. damn that girl! 56. Broke a promise - yea.. =( 57. Hid a secret - Yes, always 58. Pretended to be happy - YES.. 59. Met someone who changed your life - Erm.. Yes? Li Xuan, Make me go watch japanese drama.. haha! 60. Pretended to be sick - Yes! haha 61. Left the country - Yess! 62. Tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it - erm.. Yeah? 63. Cried over the silliest thing - Yess! 64. Ran a mile - Yess! 65. Went to the beach with your best friend - Yess!! 66. Stay single the whole year - YES!! CURRENTLY: 67. Eating: Nothing, Hungry ehh! 68. Drinking: Nothing, Thirst ehh! 69. I'm about to: Go and watch my Hana Yori Dango 2 episodes 10 and 11! hehe! <3 Oguri Shun!! 70. Listening to: My father changing and changing and changing the television channel 71. Plans for tomorrow: Watch Bakugan Battle Brawlers at 11a.m.!! hehe! 72. Waiting for: Me to finish this quiz so i can go and watch my Hana Yori Dango 2. YOUR FUTURE: 73. Want kids?: Yup. 74. Want to get married?: Yup. 75. Careers in mind: Err.... A WonderWoman! hehe WHICH IS BETTER WITH GUY: 76. Lips or eyes: Eyes!! 77. Shorter or taller?: Taller!! 78. Romantic or spontaneous: Ehh... 79. Nice stomach or nice arm : Uh. Me no care.. 80. Sensitive or loud: Me no mind.. But be good can! hehe 81. Hook-up or relationship: Relationship. 82. Trouble-maker or hesitant: Little bit of both.. ah, 2/3 trouble-maker 1/3 hesitant! hehe! HAVE YOU EVER : 83. Lost glasses/contacts: I dun use any.. yay for Hasyimah! 84. Ran away from home: Wanted to.. But i Love my family!! 85. Hold a gun/knife for self defense: Yup ;) 86. Killed somebody: Yes, In Runescape, maple. hahaha! but in reality, No. 87. Broken someone's heart: Yes... SORRY!! :( 88. Been arrested: Nope! hehe i so guai one! 89. Cried when someone died: Yesh... :'( DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 90. Yourself: YES. 91. Miracles: Miracles do Happen 92. Love at first sight: No? 93. Heaven: Hell yea! lol 94. Santa Claus: No. hahaha!! 95. Sex on the first date: NO WAY. 96. Kiss on the first date: Let's see... hehe! ANSWER TRUTHFULLY: 97. Is there one person you want to be with right now?: Err... No? I want to hug my pillow.. ahh! I want Li Xuan to be here so we can watch Hana Yori Dango together! hehe!!!!!!! 98. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life?: hmmm. Yes happy but no when i am in school. I want to be something BIG. So , soso ah... 99. Do you believe in God?: YES, if not, why do i even bother to pray? 100. This is the 100th and the last: YES!! FINALLY I CAN WATCH MY HANA YORI DANGO 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =D Labels: Do this, Friends, Movies, Television, Yay |